Best high past times? Okay what youre going to want to get is a text editor that suits you.React Native NativeScript's vision is to “Liberate your development by using platform APIs directly without leaving your of JavaScript.” Think of NativeScript as the go-to tool when building cross-platform mobile apps with JavaScript in a framework-agnostic team. Apache Cordova is a free mobile application development framework that allows you to develop an application in HTML/JavaScript and then it wraps it into a native container that can access the device functions of several platforms and hence enables the web app to work on. JavaScript: A Wonderful Language for a Beginner Writing JavaScript for the server-side is possible, also writing JavaScript for mobile applications and desktop applications is also possible.Is it viable to launch a game in Steam marketplace that has a low resolution like 640x480? Maybe is something for you? 😅.It has no wrapper, meaning you can access all supported device APIs. React Native: A comparison guide Svelte Native leverages NativeScript, which allows you to develop native apps with JavaScript and gives the JavaScript code access to the device native code directly. Mobile development with Angular? There is something called NativeScript.